I have a personal note I want to share. While growing up and going through my studies I heard many people say that “One day (…when you are grown up/finished with your studies/etc….) you will be like {insert famous name here}” Where famous name is often some female physicist (one example was Angela Merkel, former German federal chancellor, who has a PhD in physics).
Yesterday, I was listening to an audiobook on my commute and I heard something that really resonated with me:
“Be the best version of yourself!”
While I think role models are very powerful one should not make the mistake and try to exactly copy other people. This is not a way to success. One should rather work hard everyday to be the best version of oneself given ones own values, ambitions, believes, abilities, capabilities, etc.
In case you are interested: The book is ‘How to stop worrying & start living’ by Dale Carnegie. While I do not agree with everything in the book I still think it is a good read.