
About me

Anne Klitsch is a Post doctoral Research Associate at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen where she studies the dynamics of gas near actively accreting black holes. She finished her PhD in Astrophysics from Durham University, United Kingdom, and the European Southern Observatory in 2019. Her main research interests are the role of molecular gas as fuel for star formation in galaxies and gas flows into and out of galaxies and their impact on galaxy evolution. To reach her science goals she is using a combination of UV, optical, near-infrared and (sub-)mm observations.

Short CV

  • 01.11.2019 – 31.01.2023: Post doctoral Research Associate, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
  • 01.07.2016 – 31.09.2019: PhD in Astronomy, Durham University (Joint position between Durham University and European Southern Observatory (ESO), Germany), thesis title: “ALMACAL: the evolution of the molecular gas and dust in galaxies using ALMA calibrator observations”, Advisors: Dr Ian Smail, Dr Martin A. Zwaan, Dr Celine Peroux, Dr Rob Ivison, and Dr A. Mark Swinbank. (Degree date: 10.01.2020)
  • 01.11.2015 – 30.06.2016: Research Assistant, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), Garching, Analysing the Illustris Simulation, Advisors: Dr Guinevere Kauffmann and Dr Dylan Nelson.
  • 01.06.2014 – 30.09.2015: Master of Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, research work carried out at the European Southern Observatory, thesis title: “High spatial resolution star formation study of two nearby HI-rich post starburst galaxies”, Advisors: Dr Achim Weiss, Dr Harald Kuntschner and Dr Martin A. Zwaan

For more information please get in touch.

Latest research

My research is focused on galaxy evolution. I am excited about tackling this complex problem from many different angles to obtain a broad perspective on the physical processes.

Please find a full list of my publications here. Below is a list of my first author publications.

Local baryon cycle studying gas flows in galaxies using absorption selected systems

CO excitation and line energy distributions in gas-selected galaxies

H2 molecular gas absorption-selected systems trace CO molecular gas-rich galaxy overdensities

ALMACAL V: absorption-selected galaxies with evidence for excited ISMs

ALMACAL – III. A combined ALMA and MUSE survey for neutral, molecular, and ionized gas in an H I-absorption-selected system

Global baryon cycle studying the cosmic molecular gas mass density and star formation history through dusty star forming galaxies

ALMACAL VII: first interferometric number counts at 650 μm

ALMACAL – VI. Molecular gas mass density across cosmic time via a blind search for intervening molecular absorbers

Early work on post-starburst galaxies

Spatially resolved star formation relation in two HI-rich galaxies with central post-starburst signature